
Home page for my music project, Drasla. Interface is an interactive visualization of song connectedness featuring dynamically generated playlists to produce thematic consistency.
Flickr Cards

Experimental flickr photo browser, simulating a spread of polaroids.
Butoh Archive

Interactive, animated graphical database categorizing the relationships between various practitioners of the Japanese performance art called 'butoh'.

Simple animated JavaScript table sorter.
Tarot Card Visualizer

SVG-based interactive visualization of the structure and relationships between tarot cards.

Throw a rave on your website.

Audio processing webtool to generate songs where the measures are played in reverse order.
Radicand Lab

Splash page for the Radicand Lab collaborative space, featuring an experimental 'above-the-fold' design and interactive CSS3 animations.
Liquid Voxel

WebGL experiment, featuring an interactive 3D puddle.

Task management, schedule generation, and habit tracking made pretty.

Android app enabling users to install and execute native Linux applications on rooted Android devices.

VI plugin and shell script to automatically clean Ruby/CSS/HTML files.
White Noise Loop Generator
A simple tool for creating sound loops.

Home page for the Chicago band Impossible!
Portable system configuration, aliases, and extra features for bash, git, and VI.

Interactive code visualization plugin for Eclipse.
Real-time stock trading simulator for analyzing automated trading strategies. Program featured stock screening, data recovery, and automated strategy creation and evaluation.